Men's Two Ball Triple Tournament February 26, 2025

The Oxnard Lawn Bowl club tried out a two ball tournament format for the first time. Players found it interesting and challenging. There was a feeling that the strategy was similar to a team Cutthroat game. The pace was quick and the scoring was difficult.

Novice/Vet Tournament January 29, 2025

Eight teams turned out to participate in the Novice and Veterans tournament this year. Participants got to experience play in some different positions and one of our novices played Skip!

And the results were: First Place- Angel Lopez, Patti Mauch, Tony Cunningham. Second Place- Steve Goodmanson, Mark Pendlebury, Jack Bucey. Third Place- Linus Raibys, Bob Williams, Rich Purcell.

Men's Novice Tournament January 8, 2025

Six men turned out for a challenging trio of singles games and one got his name etched onto the trophy.

Thanks to Dick Gibson, Marian Williams and Jack Bucey for helping the event by being markers.

And the results were: Bob Williams - First Place, Tim Adkins - Second Place and Ron Pasmant - Third Place.


Doubles Tournament November 13, 2024

Eight teams participated in the Club Doubles Tournament on a clear dry November day. The bowls were rolling quickly and the breaks went to: First Place - Jerry Beatty and Tony Cunningham, Second Place - Steve Goodmanson and Bobby Montiel, and Third Place - Jack Bucey, Tim Adkins and Susan LaCroix. Congrats!

SouthWest Men's Vet/Novice Tournament September 2024

From Linda Love, Mackenzie Park Lawn Bowls Club:

There were 18 entries in this tournament, and they came from Cambria, Oxnard, MacKenzie Lawn Bowls Club, Santa Barbara Lawn Bowls Club, and Friendly Valley. Two games were played before lunch and two after lunch, and I can personally say that four games in one day is a lot. Scott Roberts did a fantastic job of keeping track of the scorecards and ran a smooth ship. When the final results were in, Scott said the scores were the closest he had ever seen in this tournament. Teams from Oxnard came in FIRST, Bob Williams with Jack Bucey, and SECOND, Art Roberts with Tim Adkins because they won all four of their games. Michael Stein and Linda Love came in third with 3 wins and a loss, and the team from Cambria came in fourth with 3 wins and a loss.

Men's Doubles Tournament August 30, 2024

 Sixteen gentlemen showed up to compete on a fine Friday of a holiday weekend. Tournament director, Jack Bucey oversaw a fierce battle over second place. The winners came out undefeated! Well done by all.

And the results were:

First Place- Steve Goodmanson and Tim Adkins

Second Place- Herb Smith and Lenny LaCroix

Third Place- Peter Westray and Mark Pendlebury

Fourth Place- Ken Paddock and Ron Pasmant

Ecton Triples Tournament July 21, 2024

Twelve teams turned out on a beautiful July day in downtown Oxnard to compete in the Ecton Tournament. Participants included members from Cambria, Laguna, Santa Monica, Santa Barbara, Friendly Valley and Oxnard Lawn Bowling Clubs.

With President Jack Bucey's organization and an enthusiastic group of volunteers the event went off with fanfare.

After 324 bowls the victors were determined by a close margin.

First Place- Steve Goodmanson, Jack Bucey, Gloria Brown. (Oxnard LBC)

Second Place- Angel Lopez, Steve Mount, Alex De Garza. (Santa Monica LBC)

Third Place- Joel Evans, Trevor Broesamle, Ron Irwin. (Santa Barbara LBC)

Fourth Place- Rob Humphrey, Gene Brughelli, Doug Wisecarver. (Cambria LBC)

Women's Singles Tournament June 26, 2024

Six competitive ladies turned out for the Women's Singles Tournament on a lovely bowling Wednesday. Thanks to all the ladies that made the effort to turnout in support of this club function and to all those that helped organize and run it.

The top three competitors were:

First Place- Gloria Brown         Second Place- Linda Westray          Third Place- Joyce Fenton

Men's Singles Tournament May 31, 2024

There was a full house of competitors seeking to have their name etched into history as the Singles Champ.

After 4 ten end games Jack Bucey was undefeated for First Place followed by Second Place- Steve Goodmanson, Third Place- Brian Fenton and Fourth Place for Ken Paddock.

Special thanks to Markers Ken Roth, Gloria Brown, Joyce Fenton and Dick Gibson for a smooth tournament.

Aussie Pairs Tournament May 8, 2024

It was beautiful Spring day for some lively competition on a well groomed rink.

And the winners were:

First Place- Ken Paddock and Mike Newton

Second Place- David Brook and Herb Smith

Third Place- Mark Wilson and Dick Gibson

Mixed Cut-Throat Tournament April 17, 2024

The Finalists: First Place- Steve Goodmanson   Second Place- Gloria Brown   Third Place- Mike Newton

Martinez Memorial Triples Tournament April 14, 2024

From Club President Jack Bucey:

It began at 6 AM under cloudy skies. The kitchen was fired up and the rinks were set up. Then the players began arriving 3 x 3. We had a full roster of 16 teams.
The weather report showed no rain until around 11 AM so I started the games 15 minutes early in hopes of beating the weather. The report said rain 11 to one then clear sunny skies. We made it to about the 10th before the rain came. And it got wet! All the teams were troopers and we all finished in the rain but soaked.
The doused players  all scattered into the clubhouse, where our lovely kitchen ladies, Gloria, Cathy and Susan had a beautiful lunch prepared and another pot of coffee brewed. Lunch was a great success and it was decided to trust the weather report and start game two at noon in a light drizzle expecting to dissipate shortly with blue skies behind. Wrong!
The rain began to pick up and by the sixth, and it was raining hard. Everyone hung in and we finished game two with rooster tails and hydroplaning bowls. And then another coffee.
After whatever clothes and hat changes could be made, viola, blue skies came out onto the green and smiles onto the contestants faces.  The day finished on a high note as one of the most memorable tournaments came to a successful close and the teams got into their arcs and sailed home.
Thanks to all the teams and crew that made it out for the tournament and soldiered on to make it successful.

Final Standings and photos below.

First Place: Phil Dunn, Angel Rocha, Giulia Gallo.

Second Place: Rome Williams, Peter Wetheral, Alexis Dela Garza.

Third Place: Angel Lopez, Lanny Larson, Karen Esparza.

Fourth Place: Brian Fenton, David Brook, Ralph Esparza.

Men's Triples March 20, 2024

The participants had a little difficulty with the photography but the winners had no problem bowling.

First Place: Steve Goodmanson, Bob Williams, Mark Pendlebury

Second Place: Ken Paddock, David Brook, Peter Westray

Mixed Novice Singles February 21, 2024


The Results:   First Place- Mark Pendlebury    Second Place- Bob Williams

Veterans/Novice Triples Tournament January 31, 2024

The Participants

The Calculations                                 The Results

The Winners

First Place: Tim Adkins, Mark Wilson, Steve Goodmanson
Second Place: Gloria Brown, Dick Gibson, Jack Bucey 
Third Place:  Jerry Beatty, Gary Davidson, Linus Raibys      

Martinez Tournament 2023

Club Mixed Triples 2023

First and Second place winners!


Men' Triples Tournament October 6, 2023

Jack on board!

First Place!

Second Place!

Oxnard LBC Winter League Round Robin Tournament 2023

Our first annual Winter League Round Robin Tournament, organized by Jack Bucey, was recently completed. After a resounding start, with 6 pairs teams signing up, we worked out the kinks and brought it home! This was an Oxnard only tourney, as we were unable to engage other clubs. Congrats to the winners and thanks to all.

Winning pairs teams were:

First Place- Ken Paddock/Bob Williams

Second Place- David Brood/Mark Pendlebury

Third Place- Jack Bucey/Gloria Brown