Marcellus L. Joslyn 1873 -- 1963
loves his fellow man.”
A financial wizard, yes, but Marcellus L. Joslyn is best remembered for his compassion and his honesty.
The successful careers of many business leaders, in this century, are attributable to his help and encouragement.
He was truly a noble man: with allegiance to his country, devotion to his family, loyalty to his friends.
Life to him was not a problem. It was challenge. His was ever the pursuit of excellence.
He was trained as an attorney, but business was his choice. His Chicago electrical supply corporation prospered due in large part to his business philosophy, �Make no trade that is not good for both parties.� His innovative profit-sharing plan was acclaimed the nation�s finest of 165 systems surveyed by the Vandenburg committee in 1939 and thereafter widely copied.
The Joslyn plan called for Labor and Management working together and as Mr. Joslyn said, �No man amounts to anything by himself and one can only rise by the friendships and loyalties of those around him which can only be secured by thoughtfulness and courtesy and fairness.�
When Mr. Joslyn retired to the Santa Monica area he became involved in real estate, lawn bowling, mountain climbing and myriad philanthropic interests.
To the city of Santa Monica he gave its Adult Recreation Center, Joslyn Hall, the Santa Monica Lawn Bowling Club and grounds, the Lincoln Park Recreational facility, parking lots and many other monetary and land awards.
In 1960 he founded the Marcellus L. Joslyn Foundation with major emphasis on Senior Citizen Centers, hospitals, colleges and other deserving groups. Now, 25 years later, we view a portion of his heritage in THE JOSLYN STORY. (1)
(1) This obituary is from the front of the book “The Joslyn Story”.