The Oxnard-Joslyn Lawn Bowls Green was dedicated March 21, with the combined efforts of the City of Oxnard and a grant from the Marcellus L. Joslyn Foundation for $40,000. Alex Mackie was the first President Pro Tem. The Oxnard team won first place in the Senior Olympics. There were 15 members.
Written by Marie Ecton
In May, we were very fortunate to have Palmer and Dorothy Vea from Santa Barbara come to Oxnard to give instruction in lawn bowling. This wonderful start for the Oxnard Greens was through the untiring efforts of Recreation Supervisor, Karen Burnham and Oxnard- Joslyn Lawn Bowls Club members Ralph Ecton and Angel Ochoa. On August 8, Ralph F. Ecton was elected the first President of the Club. The Oxnard team won 3rd place in the Senior Olympics. There were 28 members.
Written by Marie Ecton
Ralph F. Ecton was reelected President of the Club. On January 9, our Club placed 6th in the Senior Olympics. There were 43 members.
Written by Marie Ecton
Angel Ochoa was elected President. On April 26, Angel and Ralph Ecton went to the Parks and Recreation Commission Meeting to explain that we needed a Club House. We entered the Gold Coast League along with Cambria. Santa Barbara, Mackenzie Park and Santa Maria. We placed 4th. Our Club placed 1st in the Senior Olympics. We received the first of ten like checks for $11,044.25 from the Marcellus L. Joslyn Foundation. There were 52 members.
Written by Marie Ecton
Angel Ochoa was reelected. Meetings were held discussing the Club House. The Oxnard team won third place in the Gold Coast League. We placed 1st and 3rd in the Senior Olympics. We received our 2nd check for $11,044.25 from the Marcellus L. Joslyn Foundation. By the end of 1990, there were 57 members.
Written by Marie Ecton
Jess Sportelli was elected President. Several meetings were held discussing the Club House. Our team won 3rd place in the Gold Coast League. We placed 1st in the Senior Olympics. The 3rd check was received for $11,044.25. We had 53 members.
Written by Marie Ecton
Earl Kersey was elected President. The Restroom/Shelter Facility was approved in August, to be completed in 10 months. We again placed 3rd in the Gold Coast League. Our Club placed 2nd in the Senior Olympics. The fourth check for $11,044.25 was received. There were 63 members.
Written by Marie Ecton
Earl Kersey was reelected President. The final configuration of the Club House/Recreation Building was established and included more than the Restroom! Shelter concept. The Ralph Ecton Memorial Tournament was held on August 18, in memory of Ralph who passed away in April, 1992. The Oxnard team won first place. The tournament will be held each year. We again won 3rd place in the Gold Coast League. The Oxnard team placed 2nd in the Senior Olympics. Our Club received the 5th check for $11,044.25 from the Foundation. There were 57 members.
Written by Marie Ecton
Rob Hutton was elected President. Under the able direction of Recreation Supervisor Laura Mosqueda, the Club House/Recreation Building bid was awarded by City Council on January 11. May 10, was ground breaking for the Club House and it was completed on December 2nd. The Ralph Ecton Memorial Tournament was played and Oxnard placed 2nd. For the 1st year our team placed 2nd in the Gold Coast League. We took 2nd in the Senior Olympics. We received our 6th check for $11,044.25 from the Marcellus L. Joslyn Foundation. We had 65 members.
Written by Marie Ecton
Rob Hutton was reelected President. The dedication of the new Club House-Wilson Recreation Building was January 31, 1995. It is a beautiful building and will be used as a Club House by the Oxnard-Joslyn Lawn Bowlers also other City of Oxnard Personnel will be holding events there as well. We have been told it is the nicest Club House in the Southwest Division. The City of Oxnard paid $167,800.00 and the Oxnard-Joslyn Lawn Bowls Club members paid $46,079.00. The Club also donated an additional $6,465.00 to complete and improve the inside of the building, including purchasing appliances, office equipment, storage units, tables and chairs. The 1440 square foot building was started May 11, 1994. The building includes an all purpose room, kitchen, office, storage and two bathrooms. The first Novice Tournament was held this year. Adam Woznicki won first place. Our Gold Coast League placed fourth. Edith Dowsing, Bill Taschek and Marilyn Taschek placed second in the Ralph Ecton Memorial Tournament. The Oxnard-Joslyn Lawn Bowling Club team placed third in the Senior Olympics. We received our 7th check for $11,044.25 from the Marcellus L. Joslyn Foundation. At the end of the year, there were 91 members.
Written by Marie Ecton
Marie Ecton was elected President for this year. We publicized our Club with Secure Horizons as a benefit to health, and many new people came for scheduled lessons in February and March, with several Club members serving as teachers. With greatly increased use, the condition of the green deteriorated. Despite efforts of the members who volunteered to ameliorate the problem, we had to suspend bowling during part of April and all of May. A green renovator contracted with us to solve the problem for $3300.00. The green reopened for play in June. An auxillary building for our equipment was completed by June. Our President, Marie Ecton was seriously ill twice during Spring and Summer, and Vice President Bill Taschek took over her duties in her absence. In November, 1996, Marie Ecton and Amador Martinez met with Jocelyn Salas and the Senior Services Team to discuss some financial assistance from the City of Oxnard to hire Amador Martinez as greenskeeper. Amador had maintained the green four years with volunteer help who could no longer help. The City took it under advisement. The Oxnard team placed fourth in the Gold Coast League. Many “fun tournaments” were held during the year for our Club members. Our Club placed first in the Senior Olympics. We received our eighth check for $11,044.25 from the Marcellus L. Joslyn Foundation. By the end of the year, there were 117 members on the roster.
Written by Fylis Robertson
Armand Esclante was elected President. After much discussion and input from everyone (finance, budget officer, etc.) the Senior Services came to a conclusion concerning Amador Martinez being placed on the City payroll as the Greenskeeper for our Club. The pay will start in January 1997. The amount will be $6,000.00 a year – $3500 from Lawn Bowls and $2,500 from Senior Services budget (97/98). We placed second in the Gold Coast League. The fifth Ralph Ecton Memorial Tournament was played. The team of Amador Martinez, Rob Hutton, and Earl Kersey placed third. Amador Martinez, Rob Hutton, and Earl Kersey won the silver medals in the Senior Games. We held the “fun tournaments” throughout the year. The Club received the ninth check for $11,044.25 from the Marcellus L. Joslyn Foundation. By the end of the year, the Club had 102 members.
Written by Marie Ecton
Ed Otoupalik was elected President. The Club acquired a new flag pole and flag. Installation was done by Ed Otoupalik and Bill Taschek. The Gold Coast League was tied for third place with Santa Barbara. The sixth Ralph Ecton Tournament was played. Edith Dowsing, Audrey Barnden and Anita Delfs won sixth place. The team of Ron Russo, Bill Scott and Wilma Redard won the gold medals in the Senior Games. “Fun tournaments” were held throughout the year. The Club received our last gift for $11,044.25 from the Marcellous L. Joslyn Foundation. The Club had 90 members by the end of the year.
Written by Marie Ecton
Amador Martinez was elected President. This year the City of Oxnard set up funding to replace the rotting backboards on the lawn bowls green. The funding established was about $25,000. The Gold Coast team tied 2nd/3rd with MacKenzie Park. The seventh Ralph Ecton Memorial Tournament was played. First place team was Moses Rachemaninoc, David Hallman and Doris Sneddon. The bronze medals for the Senior Games were won by the team of Amador Martinez, Ed Otoupalik and Ron Russo. “Fun tournaments” were held throughout the year. The Ways and Means committee chairman, Bob Bond, held the first garage sale at his home. There were many volunteers to help. The Club made $602.75. Bob Bond had surgery so Marie Ecton, co-chairman, had the second sale at the Club parking lot. We had many Club members to volunteer. The Club made $552.00. We had 84 members at the end of the year.
Written by Marie Ecton
Amador Martinez was re-elected President. In April of 2000 a plan was proposed to replace the wooden backboards with a neoprene faced concrete curb. The Parks Department decided on an alternate plan to use “Structural Plastic Lumber”. This new technical approach was welcomed by our Club as a very good and workable plan. This year the City hired Roy Martinez to clean the bathrooms. The club members were all very pleased. The Gold Coast League placed 2nd this year. The eighth Ralph Ecton Tournament was played. The first place team was Barry Pickup, Tom Dion and Emily Jaquez. The Senior Games were played. The silver medals were won by Amador Martinez, Armand Escalante and Pauline Escalante. “Fun tournaments” were played throughout the year. Doris Sneddon and Emily Jaquez placed second in the fifth flight at the AWLBA National Open. Amador Martinez placed first in the third flight at the ALBA National Open. The Ways and Means committee chairman, Dave Jones, held the third garage sale at his home. Many volunteers were present to help. The Club made $430.00. The Club had 83 members at the end of the year.
Written by Marie Ecton
Officers elected were: Ken Barrabee President, Diane Edging Vice President, Dave Jones Secretary and Rosalie Hutton Treasurer. Board members elected were Lee Combs, Edith Dowsing, Marie Ecton, George Love and Pat Pollock. ALBA and AWLBA, Lawn Bowling’s national organizations, merged. Merger of the men’s and women’s group of The Southwest Division does not seem to be imminent. Visitations with Santa Barbara, McKenzie, Friendly Valley and Santa Maria were scheduled on a home and away basis. After many months of planning and with all the city requirements met, a contract was signed to replace the disintegrating backboards. The City of Oxnard contributed $27,000 and the club contributed $9,400. for this project. We lost a month of bowling during construction, but the final results were excellent. Bill Taschek headed up this effort.
A bridge group was formed to play once a week in the clubhouse.
Marie Ecton, active in many positions within the club since its inception, resigned her duties for health reasons. Marie was subsequently voted an Honorary Club Membership in recognition of her services.
New name tags were ordered and distributed to members with five or more years tenure. Each tag included the year the member first joined. We hope to continue this custom as each member reaches their fifth year of membership.
�Fun Tournaments� were played throughout the year.
A very successful garage sale was held on Oct. 6 at Dave Jones’ house. The club netted $900.
Our oldest member, Fran Biddle, passed away at the age of 90. Memorial donations of $750. were made to the club in Fran’s name.
As of April 1, 2001 we had 78 active and associate members.
Written by Ken Barrabee
Officers elected were: Ken Barrabee President, Diane Edging Vice President, Dixie Tennow Secretary and Dave Jones Treasurer. Board members elected were Lee Combs, Edith Dowsing, Sal Mollo, Beth Ross and Pat Pollock.
January 16th was a very exciting day as the Olympic torch was carried down �C� Street past our club.
Our annual Oxnard Triples and Ralph Ecton Tournaments were successfully run by Amador Martinez.
Fun Tournaments on St. Patrick’s Day, Fourth of July, Labor Day and Halloween were run by Sal Mollo. Support of these activities was terrific, and they were anxiously anticipated by all the members.
Harry Saperstein contributed funds to help cover the cost of flyers inviting prospective bowlers to a two day open house. The flyers were distributed in 35,000 utility bills throughout The City of Oxnard. Through the efforts of Dave Jones and many others 25 people signed up for lessons and subsequently became members.
Amador Martinez and his son, Roy, continued their outstanding work in maintaining the bowling green. Amador and Roy became city employees and the Club reimburses the city for a substantial portion of their wages.
On November 11th we had a special tribute to veterans. All members were asked to bring a photo of themselves in their �younger� years. Many oh’s, ahs and laughs were heard as we tried to identify our friends.
Saturday morning and Sunday afternoon bowling were added to our schedule to accommodate members who are still working. Saturday seems very popular with many of the weekday bowlers also in attendance, but Sunday has been slow to develop.
Membership at the end of 2002 was 96 which included 12 Associate and Honorary Members.
Written by Ken Barrabee
Harry Saperstein celebrated his 90th birthday at the clubhouse during a party given by his family. Club members were invited to join the celebration. Harry just gets better with time. Hope we can celebrate number 100 together.
The club was the subject of a major article in the Star Newspaper. The article focused very favorably on the club and its many activities. We sure enjoyed the publicity and the several new members that it brought us.
Our quarterly Newsletter was started in early 2003 by the outstanding work of our editor, Joseph Whittaker. With contributions from the members, he hasn�t missed a deadline yet.
Norm Palladino established a website that includes everything you would ever want to know about the club. Current events are posted within 24 to 48 hours accompanied by pictures and all the latest dirt. Thanks for your hard work, Norm.
A full schedule of visitations took place through the fine efforts of Ron Zenone. Visits were made to Santa Barbara, MacKenzie Park, Santa Maria, Holmby Park and Friendly Valley. Each of these clubs made a return visit to our green in Oxnard.
Once again Sal Mollo organized a series of holiday fun tournaments that were well attended. Lunch was provided for all participants. Events were held on Valentine�s Day, Memorial Day, Fourth of July, Labor Day and Halloween.
Our Gold Coast League team, headed by Raul Perez, won the league championship. Representing the league, they won the Waterbury All-League Championship that was bowled at the Sun City Lawn Bowls Club. This was a first for the Oxnard team. CONGRATULATIONS to all who participated.
Club championships (men�s and women�s singles and doubles, novice singles, mixed triples, et al) were conducted throughout the year. Diane Edging did a great job organizing these events. First place winners were:
Singles: Men: Charlie Ciummo Women: Rosalie Hutton
Doubles: Men: Armand Escalante and George Love Women: Doris Sneddon and Pauline Escalante
Novice Singles: Men: Bill Livingston Women: Paula Sharpe
Mixed Triples: George Love, Lee Coombs and Dick Doyle
Vet-Novice Pairs: Amador Martinez and Norm Palladino
Our annual Christmas Party took place on Friday, December 5th at the clubhouse. The catered lunch, which followed our regular bowling, was a huge success with over 60 members and guests in attendance.
Our president, Dave Jones, gave awards to a number of members who made special contributions during the year.
Written by Dave Jones
The year started off with Dave Jones continuing as president, Ron Zenone as vice president. Bill Livingston and Bert Kessler continued as secretary and treasurer. 91 members had signed up for the year and several new members joined through the year.
One highlight or maybe lowlight was the poor condition of the green. primarily around the outer perimeter. In March, greenskeeper, Amador Martinez, Roy Martinez and many members removed 1500 square feet of sod and replaced this with sand and new sod. The green was down for several weeks when the process occurred.
The Oxnard Triples Tournament was renamed the Amador Martinez Triples to honor Amador for all his contributions to tournament play and efforts on the green maintenance. The event occurred on May 8. Winners of the event were Barry Pickup, Ton Dion and Norm Wiles. The green did not recover well and so subsequently the club canceled the Ecton Tournament and Gold Coast Tournament play at our green.
Visitations are popular club events and under the direction of Ron Zenone nine occurred during the year with our club journeying to five clubs and we reciprocating. One enjoyable event was a visit by the Mann Park Bowling Club from British Columbia. Thirty-five Canadians joined us in Sept. on a great day – good bowling, good lunch and great fellowship.
Our Gold Coast League team, under the leadership of Raul Perez, played in all of the scheduled events, but the club was not as successful as last year when they won the District Championship. This year they placed 4th.
Fun events were under the chairmanship of Sal Mollo, who headed up these events for the two prior years. They were great as usual, with interesting games, SPIDERS, and great luncheons.
The board recommended, and the CLUB membership approved, making Angel Ochoa an Honorary Member and he was given a certificate to show appreciation of his many contributions to the club.
Special CLUB celebrations were held: To honor Edith Dowsing and Jimmie McVey on their birthdays; Past President, Earl Kersey, and his wife, Ellen, on their move to Oregon; Ken and Libby Barrabee on their 50th anniversary. Bill & Marilyn Taschek hosted a Mixed Australian Pairs Club Tournament in celebration of their 55th anniversary and presented each participant with a towel embroidered with a kangaroo and “2004 Australian Pairs”.
Early in fall the club, with the city�s cooperation, sought the means to replace our current natural grass green with artificial. This process is still ongoing.
On a sad note, four members (Harry Saperstein, Charlie Ciummo, Marie Ecton and Paul Whittaker) passed away during the year. Harry Saperstein and Marie Ecton�s families hosted memorial services at the club and Harry bequeathed $20,000 to the club.
In November, elections were held and Ron Zenone was elected president and Bob Smith vice president. Bill Livingston and Bert Kessler continued as secretary and treasurer.
Written by Dave Jones
Ron Zenone was elected President, Bob Smith Vice President, Bill Livingston Secretary and Bert Kessler Treasurer. The Board of Directors consisted of Armand Escalante, Ken Barrabee, Doris Sneddon, Sal Mollo and Norm Palladino.
The club ended the year with 76 members, 65 regular (35men & 30 women), 7 associate and 4 honorary.
The condition and expense of maintaining the green was still a growing problem. Ron Zenone, Bob Smith and Amador Martinez had several meetings with Oxnard city officials, including Mayor Holden, about replacing our grass green with artificial turf at a cost of approximately $100,000. In October, we were told that the City was committed to our getting the artificial turf and they were seeking the funding for it. Club members had pledged $55,000 for the turf if we needed it.
Despite a very rainy first 3 months of the year with 40 days of rain, we did have many good tournaments at the Club including the Amador Martinez Triples in May which was won by Neville Sacks and Anne Barber of the Beverly Hills Club and Brian Studwell of Holmby Hills. Our Oxnard team of Amador Martinez, Armand Escalante and Randolf Wollgiehn came in 2nd.
In August we hosted the Ecton Triples and our team of Amador Martinez, Armand Escalante and Bert Kessler came in 2nd. Lost by one point.
Doris Sneddon�s team was runner up in the 2nd flight of the 2005 U.S National Open Women�s Fours in September. Doris was also a runner up in the Women�s Pairs with Eileen Morton from Santa Barbara in the 3rd Flight and was runner up in the Women�s Singles 3rd Flight. Amador Martinez won the 6th Flight of the SWD Men�s Pairs with Stan Bloom from Santa Barbara.
Other Club Tournament winners were:
Mixed Triples: Armand Escalante, Randolf Wollgiehn, Pauline Escalante
Men�s Singles: David Rankin
Men�s Pairs: Armand Escalante & Hans Mehner
Vet Novice: Armand Escalante & Mark Volkov
Women�s Singles: Diane Edging
Mixed Novices: Jordan Austin
Novice Men: Jordan Austin.
Bob Smith did a terrific job of setting up wonderful visitations of which 5 were away and 3 were at our Club. We were at Holmby Park, Santa Barbara, Santa Maria, MacKenzie Park, and Friendly Valley. We entertained MacKenzie Park, Holmby Park and Friendly Valley at our Club. Great food & fun all around.
Gold Coast team under the supervision of Raul Perez placed 2nd in the league.
Sal Mollo did an excellent job of recruiting by setting up displays at the Pacific View Mall in March and the Ocean View Pavillion in June which got us 6 new members.
Norm Palladino continued to do an incredible job maintaining and updating our website.
The club By-Laws were rewritten by a committee headed by Bill Livingston and including Bob Smith, Armand Escalante and Bert Kessler. The committee labored for about 20 hours within 2 months to simplify and clarify the Club�s By-Laws. The committee also devised a Policies and Procedures document that made it easier for the Board to make changes without general approval.
We had 6 exciting fun events (Presidents Day, Earth Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor-Less Day, Halloween and Xmas Party) of which Pinky Palladino was in charge with the help of 5 other event directors. The most memorable was the September 5th Labor-Less Day when we were not allowed to wear all whites. The penalty was you had to sing for your lunch if you did wear all whites. Well we got to hear Becky Turner and Armand Escalante sing. After that I don�t think we enjoyed lunch too much. Halloween we were treated to a �sumptuous lunch� mastered by Ken Barrabee and Pinky Palladino. There were 5 different kinds of chili and lots of other goodies plus many wonderful costumes and prizes. The Ventura County Star came and took photos of our costumed bowlers and published a half page article about us in their Monday Oct 31st edition.
Christmas we had a FABULOUS FESTIVE FEAST. Ken �HAMMED� it up as usual with tremendous help from Pinky Palladino and Dixie Tennow, There were 60 members partaking of sumptuous side dishes, contests, swapping gifts etc. The Laser Level won first prize as the most wanted gift. Lots of fun!
All the current Officers were re-elected for 2006 and Sandy Rankin and Jordan Austin replaced Doris Sneddon and Ken Barrabee on the Board of Directors.
Sadly we had 5 Club members pass away in 2005. They were Paul Whittaker, Rob Hutton, Bill O�Brien, Bill Scott and Fylis Robertson. We also lost former members Ed Otoupalik and Bob Bond.
If you ever want to know how to fall off a ladder and break your ankle in 10 places speak to Dave Jones. Dave was in a 6 month recovery session in a wheelchair.
Written by Ron Zenone
Ron Zenone was elected President, Bob Smith Vice President, Bill Livingston Secretary and Bert Kessler Treasurer. The new Board of Directors consisted of Armand Escalante, Sandy Rankin, Jordan Austin, Sal Mollo and Norm Palladino.
The club ended the year with 82 members, 71 regular (39men & 32 women), 6 associate and 5 honorary.
A special Club celebration was held to honor Edith Dowsing on her 90th birthday. Many of her family members attended.
The condition and expense of maintaining the green continued to be a problem. Ron Zenone, Bob Smith and Amador Martinez had several meetings with Oxnard city officials and prospective contractors about replacing our grass green with artificial turf. We believe that the City is committed to our getting the artificial turf.
We again had many good tournaments at the Club including the Amador Martinez Triples in May which was won by Houdini Ho, Kay Tong and Frank Tang from the Alhambra LBC. The Ecton Triples Tournament had to be cancelled this year.
Club Member Tournament winners were:
Mixed Triples: Armand Escalante, Bob Smith, Pauline Escalante
Men�s Singles: David Rankin
Men�s Pairs: Raul Perez & Bert Kessler
Women’s Pairs: Maryilyn Taschek & Jane Brewster
Vet Novice Pairs: Wes Johnson & Doug Dow
Women�s Singles: Ann Johnson
Mixed Novices Singles: David Rankin
Novice Men’s Singles: Doug Dow
Novice Women’s Singles: Sharon Gibson
Bob Smith again did a terrific job of setting up visitations.
Gold Coast team under the supervision of Bert Kessler placed 1st in the league.
Sal Mollo again did an excellent job of recruiting with a mass-mailing in the City’s Utility bill resulting in an Open House at the Club. This brought many new prospects to the Club for lessons
Norm Palladino continued to do an excellent job maintaining our website and took on the additional task publishing the Club Newsletter.
We had 6 exciting fun events (Valentine’s Day, Fabulous 50’s, the Club’s 20th Anniversary, Independence Day, Labor Day and Halloween). Pinky Palladino was in charge with the help of some event directors.
The club had an interesting CPR and AED training program. The training was presented by Bob Ashley, a resident of Ventura and active member of the LAFD. Everyone seemed to think it was very worthwhile. The members from the club that received the training were: Sal Mollo, Ron and Pat Zenone, Bob and Carol Smith, Raul Perez, J.W. Wilkes, Dave Jones, Bill and Pat Livingston and Dick Gibson.
The club again held its annual Christmas Party, but broke tradition and had our party at the Edgewood Banquet Center. Approximately 70 attended including three from the Oxnard City Senior Center.
All current Officers were re-elected for 2007 and Dick Gibson, Ray Anderson and Pinky Palladino replaced Sandy Rankin, Sal Mollo and Norm Palladino on the Board of Directors.
Sadly, Irene Davy a long-time and beloved member passed away in 2006. And, Jimmy and Jean McVey have moved out of the area but continue to pay the visits to the Club frequently.
Dave Jones started bowling again after a very long period of recovery from an unfortunate fall which severly broke bones in his ankle. We were all glad to see him back bowling.
Written by Ron Zenone
The Officers were: Ron Zenone-President, Bob Smith-Vice Pres., Bill Livingston/Norm Palladino-Secretary, Bert Kessler-Treasurer.
The Board of Directors were: Armand Escalante, Jordan Austin, Dick Gibson, Ray Anderson and Pinky Palladino.
Note: Ron Zenone became too busy with his duties on the Ventura County Grand Jury so starting July 1st Vice Pres. Bob Smith took over the day to day operation of the Club as Acting President.
Note: Bill and Pat Livingston moved to Santa Rosa to be nearer to their family leaving a vacancy for Secretary. The Board appointed Norm Palladino to fill the unexpired term of Secretary.
The Club ended the year with about 75 members.
Due to the poor condition of the green, in February it was decided we would limit our bowling to only two days a week, Wednesday and Saturday. To fill the time several of the members played horseshoes at the horseshoe pits adjacent to the green. We learned that throwing horseshoes doesn’t improve your lawn bowling game.
Once again Amador Martinez organized the two SWD Tournaments we sponsor each year. On April 14th we held the Amador Martinez Triples Tournament. It was won by the team of Jim Morton, Bud Viard and Bob Smith. On July 14th we held the Ralph and Marie Ecton Memorial Triples Tournament. This was won by the team of Barry Pickup, Bud Viard and Tom Dion. Both tournaments were well attended and the food was delicious.
There were 8 In-Club Tournaments organized by Jordan Austin. Following are the tournaments and the winners.
03-02 Novice Singles – Rich Purcell
03-31 Vet – Novice Pairs – Doris Sneddon and Sharon Gibson
04-30 Mixed Novice – Dick Gibson
06-15 Men’s Pairs – Armand Escalante and Doug Dow
08-29 Mixed Triples – Armand Escalante, Doug Dow and Doris Sneddon
09-28 Men’s Singles – Doug Dow
11-02 Women’s Singles – Patty Berry
12-14 Mixed Pairs – Armand Escalante and Doris Sneddon
The Gold Coast League was handled by Bert Kessler for Oxnard.
Visitations were organized by Bob Smith. Around June Dick Gibson took over the duty for visitations with the help of Pinky Palladino. Nine visitations took place at home and away with Holmby Park LBC, Santa Maria LBC, MacKenzie Park LBC, Santa Barbara LBC and Friendly Valley LBC.
Fun Day Events were organized by Pinky Palladino. April 21 was International Day, May 18 was Military Day, July 4 was Independence Day, September 3 was Labor Day and October 31 was Halloween. Each event was lots of fun and Pinky always showed lots of imagination with each of them.
Norm Palladino continued to do an excellent job maintaining the club website and club newsletter.
We finnished off the year with our Christmas party which was organized by Rosalie Hutton with the help of Pat Zenone. It was held at the Wedgewood Banquet Center in Ventura. About 70 members and guests attended. Door prizes were handed out after the meal.
Written by Bob Smith
The Officers were: Amador Martinez – President, Bob Smith – Vice Pres., Norm Palladino – Secretary, Bert Kessler – Treasurer.
The Board of Directore were: Jordan Austin, Armand Escalante, Dick Gibson, Hans Mehner and Pinky Palladino.
Sal Mollo was membership chairperson: The club ended the year with 73 regular members, 4 associate members and 4 honorary members for a total of 81 members.
Improvements to the club this year were:
1. The City of Oxnard replaced our old plinth that was rotted and warped with new 4 x 8 pressure treated lumber. This was much needed and will last for many years to come.
2. Bob and Carol Smith contributed 28 new folding chairs for the clubhouse. The old chairs were hand-me-downs and were in poor condition.
The Gold Coast League was handled once again by Bert Kessler for Oxnard. Our teams finished the league in third place.
Very sorry to report that we lost two of our very good friends this year. Bill Taschek and Jim McVey both passed away.
There were 8 In-Club Tournaments organized by Jordan Austin. Following are the tournaments and the winners.
02/06 Mixed Novice Singles – Mike Newton
03/17 Vet – Novice Pairs – Armand Escalante and Mike Newton
04/30 Women’s Pairs – Sharon Gibson and Juliet Watson
05/28 Men’s Pairs – Hans Mehner and Sal Mollo
06/23 Mixed Triples – Raul Perez, Dick Gibson and Dixie Tennow/Edith Dowsing
07/30 Men’s Singles – Jordan Austin
08/27 Women’s Singles – Juliet Watson
10/03 Mixed Pairs – Wes and Ann Johnson
Fun Day Events were organized by Joe and Gloria Brown. They were: 02/13 Valentine Fun Event, 03/19 Hawaiian Day Fun Event, 05/23 Military Day Fun Event, 07/02 Independence Day Fun Event, 09/01 Laborless Day Fun Event, 10/31 Halloween Fun Event. The games were played by non-standard lawn bowling rules to add a different element to the games. The food that Joe and Gloria prepared was delicious and the decorations were fantastic.
Pinky Palladino did all the organizing for the visitations for the year. Nine visitations took place at home and away with Holmby Park LBC, Santa Maria LBC, MacKenzie Park LBC, Santa Barbara LBC and Friendly Valley LBC.
Once again Amador Martinez organized the two SWD Tournaments we sponsor each year. On April 26th we held the Amador Martinez Triples Tournament. We had a full green with 16 teams participating. On July 5th we held the Ralph and Marie Ecton Memorial Triples Tournament. Even with the holiday we still had 12 teams participating. Our own team of Amador Martinez, Armand Escalante and Doris Sneddon took first place.
The club held its annual Christmas Party December 3rd. We had our party at the Wedgewood Banquet Center in Ventura again this year. Approximately 67 members and guests attended. At the conclusion, a drawing for gifts was held. We owe our thanks to Rosalie Hutton and Dixie Tennow for organizing the event.
Written by Bob Smith
Elections were held for Officers and Board Members:
Officers were: Bert Kessler – President, Sal Mollo – Vice President, Barbara Parkhurst – Secretary, Dina Bongiovanni – Treasurer.
Board Members were: Joe Brown, Gloria Brown, Doug Dow, Dick Gibson and Richard Purcell.
The club had a party for Edith Dowsing and Ron Hines who were celebrating their 90 plus years birthdays.
Very sorry to report that we lost three of our very good friends this year. Lee Combs, Jacob Ziv and Norm Palladino. Norm was our very good webmaster for the club website as well as publisher for the club newsletter. They will all be missed.
Doug Dow stepped in to take over the duties of webmaster for the club website and did a very good job. We were fortunate because Doug had some previous webmaster experience. Bob Smith later took over the webmaster position and worked diligently bringing it up to date as well as publishing the club newsletter.
Gloria Brown was membership chairperson. We ended the year with about 75 regular members plus several associate and honorary members.
Eileen Morton from the Santa Barbara LBC and Bert Kessler started a Novice League involving the Oxnard, Santa Barbara and MacKenzie Park Lawn Bowls Clubs. About 8 new members from Oxnard participated in 3 tournaments in the summer. It seemed to work out well with most of those members becoming more active in our daily and weekly competitions.
The Gold Coast League was handled once again by Bert Kessler for Oxnard. There were 9 days of competition. Santa Maria didn’t participate. MacKenzie Park LBC added two extra teams to keep the schedule going. Our teams finished the league in third place.
Once again Amador Martinez organized the two SWD Tournaments we sponsor each year. On April 26th we held the Amador Martinez Triples Tournament. We had 14 teams participating. 2nd place was won by the team of Amador Martinez, Bert Kessler and Jordan Austin. On August 22nd we held the Ralph and Marie Ecton Memorial Triples Tournament. Once again we had 14 teams participating. Our own team of Amador Martinez, Armand Escalante and Vince Sepich took 2nd place.
There were 9 In-Club Tournaments organized by Jordan Austin. Following are the tournaments and the winners.
02/25 Novice Singles – Jerry Overmyer
03/25 Vet-Novice Pairs – Wes Johnson and Mike Newton
05/11 Women’s Pairs – Ann Johnson and Dina Bongiovanni
06/15 Men’s Pairs – Jordan Austin and Jerry Overmyer
06/29 Mixed Triples – Armand Escalante, Juliet Watson and Conrad Bilodeau
08/19 Men’s Singles – Jerry Overmyer
09/16 Women’s Singles – Gloria Brown
10/23 Mixed Pairs – Amador Martinez and Dixie Tennow
11/16 Men’s Triples – Raul Perez, Rich Purcell and Warren Stanhope/Conrad Bilodeau
Dick Gibson did all the organizing for the visitations for the year. Eight visitations took place at home and away with Holmby Park LBC, Santa Maria LBC, MacKenzie Park LBC, Santa Barbara LBC and Friendly Valley LBC.
Fun Day Events were organized by Joe and Gloria Brown with the help of many others. They were: 02/20 Valentine Fun Event, 05/22 Memorial Day, 07/03 Independence Day Fun Event, 09/04 Hawaiian Day Fun Event, 10/30 Halloween Fun Event. The games were played by non-standard lawn bowling rules to add a different element to the games. The food that Joe and Gloria prepared was delicious and the decorations were fantastic.
The club held its annual Christmas Party December 15th. We had our party at the Wedgewood Banquet Center in Ventura again this year. Approximately 48 members and guests attended. At the conclusion, a drawing for gifts was held. Sandy Rankin and Marie Moore did all the purchasing and wrapping of the gifts. We owe our thanks to Rosalie Hutton and Joann Digneo for organizing the event.
Written by Doug Dow and Bob Smith
Elections were held for Officers and Board Members:
Officers were: Joe Brown – President, Vince Sepich – Vice President, Barbara Parkhurst – Secretary, Marie Moore – Treasurer.
Board Members were: Gloria Brown, Doug Dow, Dick Gibson , Sal Mollo, Warren Stanhope.
Very sorry to report that we lost one of our very good friends this year. Angel Ochoa passed away. He was one of the very first club members and was quite active for meny years. He will be missed.
Gloria Brown was membership chairperson. We ended the year with about 80 members including associate and honorary members.
The Gold Coast League was not active this year due to a shortage of available teams.
Once again Amador Martinez organized the two SWD Tournaments we sponsor each year. On May 2nd we held the Amador Martinez Triples Tournament. We had 16 teams participating. First place was won by Armand Escalante, Richard Purcell and Mike Newton. On August 22nd we held the Ralph and Marie Ecton Memorial Triples Tournament. Once again we had 16 teams participating. Oxnard didn’t place in the top five winning teams.
There were 11 In-Club Tournaments organized by Jordan Austin. Following are the tournaments and the winners.
02/15 Mixed Novice Singles: John Op de Coul
04/02 Vet-Novice Pairs: Bob Smith and Denny Ryan
04/28 Women’s Pairs: Sandy Rankin and Beryl Feller
05/10 Men’s Novice Singles: Denny Ryan
06/07 Men’s Pairs: Doug Dow and Ray Anderson
07/16 Mixed Triples: Armand Escalante, Bob Smith and Sunny Glessner
08/11 Men’s Singles: Joe Brown
09/13 Women’s Singles: Gloria Brown
09/24 Cutthroat: Armand Escalante
11/03 Mixed Pairs: Armand Escalante, Dixie Tennor/Haji Cat
11/19 Men’s Triples: Mike Newton, Jose Rodriquez and John Op de coul
Dick and Sharon Gibson did all the organizing for the visitations for the year. Eight visitations took place at home and away with Holmby Park LBC, MacKenzie Park LBC, Santa Barbara LBC and Friendly Valley LBC.
Fun Day Events were organized by Joe and Gloria Brown and our group from Thousand Oaks (Vince Sepich, John Op de Coul, Denny Ryan, Gregg Schrott and Earl Watz) along with the help of many others.
02/26 Valentine Day Fun Event
03/17 St. Patricks Day Fun Event
05/21 Memorial / Veterans Day Fun Event
07/02 Independence Day Fun Event
10/29 Halloween Fun Day (Always fun with the many different costumes).
The games were played by non-standard lawn bowling rules to add a different element to the games. The food was delicious and the decorations were fantastic.
The club held its annual Christmas Dinner Party December 16th. We had our party at the Wedgewood Banquet Center in Ventura again this year. Approximately 38 members and guests attended. Rosalie Hutton took care of the banquet room reservations while Joe and Gloria Brown hired a D.J. to provide music and entertainment.
Written by Bob Smith
Elections were held for Officers and Board Members:
Officers were: Joe Brown – President, Vince Sepich – Vice President, Barbara Parkhurst – Secretary, Marie Moore – Treasurer.
Board Members were: Gloria Brown, Doug Dow, Dick Gibson , Sal Mollo, Teri Komatsu.
Gloria Brown was membership chairperson. We ended the year with 82 members including associate and honorary members.
The Gold Coast League was brought back to life this year but with a different format. Oxnard and MacKenzie Park were the two participating clubs. Each club fielded four triples teams and met for a total of eight times. Games were played alternately at the two clubs for a total of eight play days. The final standing was Oxnard 67 pts and MacKenzie Park 53 pts. Oxnard formed two triples teams to go to the All League Waterbury tournament, however Oxnard was not lucky enough to place in the final standings.
Once again Amador Martinez organized the two SWD Tournaments we sponsor each year. On April 4th we held the Amador Martinez Triples Tournament. We had 16 teams participating. First place was won by Armand Escalante, Richard Purcell and Mike Newton just like in 2010. On July 24th we held the Ralph and Marie Ecton Memorial Triples Tournament. Once again we had 16 teams participating. 4th place was won by Amador Martinez, Joe Brown and Gloria Brown.
There were 11 In-Club Tournaments organized by Jordan Austin. Following are the tournaments and the winners.
01/17 Vet/Novice Pairs: Raul Perez and John Op de Coul
02/04 Mixed Novice Singles: Sherry Creager
02/28 Men’s Novice Singles: Jose Rodriquez
04/04 Women’s Pairs: Sandy Rankin and Sunny Glessner
05/11 Men’s Pairs: Joe Brown and Sal Mollo
07/08 Mixed Triples: Sandy Rankin, Teri Komatsu and Tory Smith
07/18 Men’s Singles: Amador Martinez
08/15 Women’s Singles: Sherry Creager
09/21 Mixed Pairs: Jordan Austin and Doris Sneddon
10/28 Men’s Triples: Doug Dow, Bob Smith and Mike Basler
11/16 Cutthroat Tournament: Doug Dow
Dick and Sharon Gibson did all the organizing for the visitations for the year. Six visitations took place at home and away with Holmby Park LBC, MacKenzie Park LBC, Santa Barbara LBC and Friendly Valley LBC.
03/02 Oxnard at MacKenzie Park
03/12 Oxnard at Holmby Park
06/20 MacKenzie Park at Oxnard
07/30 Holmby Park at Oxnard
08/05 Friendly Valley at Oxnard
08/30 Oxnard at Santa Barbara
Note: Two attempts were made to visit at Friendly Valley but were rained out both times.
Fun Day Events were organized by Joe and Gloria Brown, several of our members from Thousand Oaks, a group of our novices and another group of our long time members.
02/14 Valentines Day
03/18 Spring Festival
05/27 Memorial/Military Fun Day
07/01 Independence Day
09/05 Labor Day
10/31 Halloween
The games were played by non-standard lawn bowling rules to add a different element to the games. The food was delicious and the decorations were fantastic.
The club held its annual Christmas Dinner Party December 15th. We had our party at the Wedgewood Banquet Center in Ventura again this year. Approximately 46 members and guests attended. Joe and Gloria Brown took care of the banquet Hall reservations and hired a D.J. to provide music and entertainment.
Written by Bob Smith
Elections were held for Officers and Board Members:
Officers were: Gloria Brown – President, Sandy Rankin – Vice President, Teri Komatsu – Secretary, Marie Moore – Treasurer.
Board Members were: Dick Gibson, Ray Anderson, Ron Creager, Joe Brown and Barbara Parkhurst
Le Ann Smith was membership chairperson. We ended the year with 85 members including associate and honorary members.
We said a sad farewell to George Love, Warren Stanhope and Bert Kessler who died this past year.
On July 23rd a CPR and AED training refresher course was conducted at the club house. 16 club members stayed over after bowling for the training. The review was conducted by Mike Stillwagon, EMT-P from Gold Coast Ambulance. There were many favorable comments about the review and it is expected we will do this again next year.
The Gold Coast League was once again played with a revised format like last year. Oxnard and MacKenzie Park were the two participating clubs. Each club fielded four triples teams and were scheduled to meet for a total of eight times. Games were played alternately at the two clubs for a total of seven play days. The final play day was cancelled due to the score. The final standing was Oxnard 40 pts and MacKenzie Park 64 pts. MacKenzie Park formed two triples teams to go to the All League Waterbury tournament.
Once again Amador Martinez organized the two SWD Tournaments we sponsor each year. On April 1st we held the Amador Martinez Triples Tournament. We had 15 teams participating, five of which were from Oxnard. Fifth place was won by Armand Escalante, Richard Purcell and Mike Newton. On July 7th we held the Ralph and Marie Ecton Memorial Triples Tournament. We had 14 teams participating, four from Oxnard. With very tough competition Oxnard was not able to place.
There were 12 In-Club Tournaments organized by Jordan Austin. Following are the tournaments and the winners.
03/10 Mixed Novice Singles – Tory Smith
04/28 Vet-Novice Pairs – Armand Escalante and Chris Montgomery
05/21 Women’s Pairs – Teri Komatsu and Le Ann Smith
06/04 Men’s Pairs – Armand Escalante and Jose Rodriquez
06/22 Men’s Novice Singles – Jose Rodriquez
06/29 Men’s Singles – J.D. Ratley
07/16 Mixed Triples – Juliet Godsey, Jose Rodriquez and J.D. Ratley
08/20 Women’s Singles – Doris Sneddon
09/21 Mixed Pairs – Jordan Austin and Haji Cat
10/22 Men’s Triples – Joe Brown, Denny Ryan and J.D. Ratley
10/29 Women’s Novice Singles – Vona Snow
11/16 Cutthroat tournament – Doug Dow (Twice in two years)
Dick and Sharon Gibson did all the organizing for the visitations for the year. Six visitations took place at home and away with Holmby Park LBC, MacKenzie Park LBC, Santa Barbara LBC and Friendly Valley LBC.
02/18 Oxnard at Holmby Park
03/23 Santa Barbara and Friendly Valley at Oxnard
04/19 Oxnard at Santa Barbara
05/14 Oxnard at MacKenzie Park
07/28 Holmby Park at Oxnard
10/20 Oxnard at Friendly Valley
Fun Day Events listed by date and those that organized the day.
03/30 Hawaiian Spring Fling – Joe and Gloria Brown
05/28 Memorial/Military Fun Day – Sandy Rankin, Barbara Parkhurst and Teri Komatsu
07/04 Independence Day – Tony and Dina Bongiovanni
10/31 Halloween Fun Day – Ray and Sharon Anderson
The games were played by non-standard lawn bowling rules to add a different element to the games. The food was delicious and the decorations were fantastic.
The club held its annual Christmas Dinner Party December 13th. We had our party at the River Ridge Golf Club banquet room in Oxnard. 39 members and guests attended. Sandy Rankin invited the Country Lovers Western Line Dance Club of Ventura to demonstrate some of their dances and then invited the audiance to participate. (Sandy is a member of their club.)
Written by Bob Smith

Back L-R: Mike Brown, Jim Matlock, Ron Creager, Dick Gibson, Gloria and Joe Brown Front L-R: Sandy Rankin, Sunny Glessner and Marie Moore
Elections were held for Officers and Board Members:
Officers were: Gloria Brown – President, Sandy Rankin – Vice President, Joe Brown – Secretary, Marie Moore – Treasurer.
Board Members were: Dick Gibson, Mike Brown, Ron Creager, Jim Matlock and Sunny Glessner
Le Ann Smith was membership chairperson. We ended the year with 85 members including associate and honorary members.
We said a sad farewell to Alex Mackie and Haji Catton who died this past year.
The Gold Coast League was once again played with a revised format like last year. Oxnard and MacKenzie Park were the two participating clubs. Each club fielded four triples teams and were scheduled to meet for a total of eight times. Games were played alternately at the two clubs for a total of eight play days. The Oxnard Club won the greater number of points at the end of league play,and formed two triples teams to go to the All League Waterbury tournament. Unfortunately, Oxnard didn’t fair well at he Waterbury Tournament but there is always another season.
Once again Amador Martinez organized the two SWD Tournaments we sponsor each year. On April 14th we held the Amador Martinez Triples Tournament. We had 16 teams participating, four of which were from Oxnard. Third place was won by Armand Escalante, Rich Purcell and Mike Newton. On July 6th we held the Ralph and Marie Ecton Memorial Triples Tournament. We had 16 teams participating, five from Oxnard. 1st Place: Amador Martinez, Gloria Brown and Fred Robles. 2nd Place: Armand Escalante, Mike Newton and Rich Purcell. 5th Place: Ron Creager, Tory Smith and Steve Goodmanson.
There were 10 In-Club Tournaments organized by Jordan Austin. Following are the tournaments and the winners.
02/25 Vet-Novice Pairs – Armand Escalante and Mike Brown
03/04 Men’s Novice Singles – Wuhwa Hsu
05/08 Women’s Pairs – Sandy Rankin and Vona Snow
05/22 Mixed Novice Singles – Mac McManus
05/31 Mixed Triples – Jin Matlock, Sandy Rankin and Bob Smith
06/10 Men’s Singles – Bpb Smith
07/22 Men’s Pairs – Joe Brownand Jose Rodriquez
08/05 Women’s Singles – Gloria Brown
09/20 Men’s Triples – Ron Creager, Tory Smithand Jerry Heidebrecht
11/20 Cutthroat Tournment – Tory Smith
Dick and Sharon Gibson did all the organizing for the visitations for the year. Seven visitations took place at home and away with Holmby Park LBC, MacKenzie Park LBC, Santa Barbara LBC and Friendly Valley LBC.
02/23 Oxnard atr Holmby Park
03/22 Sant Barbara and Friendly Valley at Oxnard
04/18 Oxnard at Santa Barbara
06/22 Holmby Park at Oxnard
06/29 Oxnard at MacKenzie Park
09/21 MacKenzie Parkat Oxnard
10/19 Oxnard at Friendly Valley
Fun Day Events listed by date and those that organized the day.
02/13 Valentine Fun Day – Joe and Gloria Brown
04/26 Spring fling Fun Day – Dina Bongiovanni with help from others.
07/03 Independence Day Fun Event – Sandy Rankin and others.
10/30 Halloween Fun Event – Dina Bongiovanni, Doris Sneddonand Mac McManus.
The club held its annual Christmas Dinner Party December 10th. We had our party at the River Ridge Golf Club banquet room in Oxnard. 50 members and guests attended. Sandy Rankin was in charge of organizing the Party and obtaining the entertainment. Lunch was served by the the banquet center followed by the entertainment of the Magic of Merlin AKA Paul Dwork. Paul Dwork is associated with the Magic Castle in Hollywood and was very good.
Written by Bob Smith
Elections were held for Officers and Board Members:
Officers were: Ron Creager – President, Sandy Rankin – Vice President, Gloria Brown – Secretary, Marie Moore – Treasurer.
Board Members were: Dick Gibson, Joe Brown, Jim Matlock, Sunny Glessner and Mac McManus
Le Ann Smith was membership chairperson. We ended the year with 75 members including associate and honorary members.
We said a sad farewell to Vince Sepich who died this past year.
The Gold Coast League was once again played with a revised format like last year. Oxnard and MacKenzie Park were the two participating clubs. The Oxnard club fielded five triples teams while the MacKenZie Park club fielded four teams and were scheduled to meet for a total of eight times. Games were played alternately at the two clubs for a total of eight play days. The MacKenzie Park Club won the greater number of points at the end of league play, and went on to the All League Waterbury tournament.
Once again Amador Martinez organized the two SWD Tournaments we sponsor each year. On April 6th we held the Amador Martinez Triples Tournament. We had 16 teams participating, three of which were from Oxnard. Forth place was won by Amador Martinez, Joe Brown and Fred Robles. On August 4th we held the Ralph and Marie Ecton Memorial Triples Tournament. We had 16 teams participating, four from Oxnard. 3rd Place: Amador Martinez, Joe Brown and Gloria Brown.
Creager Spring Classic-March 1 thru 22. Organized by Ron and Sherry Creager
This year the Creager Spring Classic was made up of twelve doubles teams from Oxnard, MacKenzie Park and Santa Barbara Lawn Bowl Clubs. All games were played at Oxnard on consective Saturdays. Three 10 end games were played for the first three days and two 10 end games for the final day. 1st place went to Raul Peres and Doris Sneddon.
There were 9 In-Club Tournaments organized by Jordan Austin. Following are the tournaments and the winners.
02/07 Vet-Novice Pairs-Armand Escalante and Steve Goodmanson
03/21 Men’s Novice Singles-Wuhwa Hsu
05/16 Mixed Novice Singles-Mac McManus
06/23 Mixed Triples-Armand Escalante and Wuhwa Hsu
07/25 Men’s Singles-Rich Purcell
08/15 Men’s Pairs-Joe Brown and Mac McManus
11/10 Men’s Triples-Armand Escalante, Jim Matlock and Conrad Bilodeau/JW Wilkes
11/14 Mixed Pairs-Joe and Gloria Brown
11/21 Cutthroat Tournament-Armand Escalante
Dick and Sharon Gibson did all the organizing for the visitations for the year. Five visitations took place at home and away with Holmby Park LBC, MacKenzie Park LBC, Santa Barbara LBC and Friendly Valley LBC.
03/14 Santa Barbara LBC at Oxnard
04/17 Oxnard LBC at Santa Barbara LBC
05/17 Oxnard LBC at Holmby Park LBC
06/21 Holmby Park LBC at Oxnard
10/18 Oxnard LBC at Friendly Valley LBC
Fun Day Events listed by date and those that organized the day.
02/14 Valentine’s Day-Joe and Gloria Brown
07/04 Independence Day Celebration-Sandy and David Rankin and Mac McManus
10/31 Halloween Fun Event-Joe and Gloria Brown
The club held its annual Christmas Dinner Party December 11th. We had our party at the River Ridge Golf Club banquet room in Oxnard. 40 members and guests attended. Sandy Rankin was in charge of organizing the Party and obtaining the entertainment. Lunch was served by the the banquet center followed by the door prize drawing. After the drawing we were entertained by Dan Ray who is billed as a Magician-Ventriloquist Extraordinaire. We all enjoyed the party.
Written by Bob Smith
Elections were held for Officers and Board Members:
Officers were: Amador Martinez – President, Armand Escalante – Vice President, Gloria Brown – Secretary, Doug Dow – Treasurer.
Board Members were: Dick Gibson, Joe Brown, Tom Hodgins, Jim Matlock, Sandy Rankin
Gloria Brown was membership chairperson. We ended the year with 65 members including associate and honorary members.
We said a sad farewell to Le Ann Smith who died rather suddenly this past year. Dorothy Vea, an Honorary Member since our club began many years ago died. Even though she was a member of the Santa Barbara LBC she helped our club with lessons to get us started. Also, Wes Johnson passed away. He and his wife Ann had been past members of our club.
The Gold Coast League was once again played like last year. Oxnard and MacKenzie Park were the two participating clubs. Games were played alternately at the two clubs for a total of eight play days. The Oxnard LBC won the greater number of points at the end to win the league .
Once again Amador Martinez organized the two SWD Tournaments we sponsor each year. On April 26th we held the Amador Martinez Triples Tournament. We had 16 teams participating, three of which were from Oxnard. Oxnard did not have a winning team in the first six places. On July 26 we held the Ralph and Marie Ecton Memorial Triples Tournament. We had 12 teams participating, three from Oxnard. Oxnard did not place in the first five places.
There were 7 In-Club Tournaments organized by Jordan Austin. Following are the tournaments and the winners.
Feb 6 Men’s Triples Sal Mollo, Joe Brown, Mike Newton
Apr 3 Mix or Match Pairs Rich Purcell, Ron Zenone
May 8 Cutthroat Tournament Doug Dow (Doug won 3 out of the last 4 years.)
May 29 Men’s Singles Tournament Armand Escalante
July 6 Mixed Triples Tournament Sal Mollo, Doris Sneddon, Armand Escalante
Sept 18 Men’s Pairs Tournament Jordan Austin, Bob Smith
Oct 5 Women’s Singles Gloria Brown
Dick Gibson did all the organizing for the visitations for the year. Three visitations took place at home and away with Holmby Park LBC and Santa Barbara LBC .
Feb 27 Santa Barbara LBC at Oxnard
July 11 Holmby Park LBC at Oxnard
Aug 6 Oxnard LBC at Santa Barbara
Fun Day Events listed by date and those that organized the day.
Feb 13 Valentine Fun Day – Joe and Gloria Brown
May 25 Memorial Day Fun Event – Joe and Gloria Brown
July 3 Independence Day Fun Event – Joe and Gloria Brown
Sept 7 Labor Day Fun Event – David and Sandy Rankin, Bob and Carol Smith
Oct 30 Halloween Fun Day – Joe and Gloria Brown
The club held it’s annual Christmas Party on December 11th at the Pacific Corinthian Yacht Club in Oxnard. Approximately 33 members, family and guests attended. Our thanks go to Joe and Gloria Brown for making the arrantements with the Yacht Club and planning the party. Amador Martinez, our club President acted as the Master of Ceremonies and was assisted by Joe and Gloria Brown.
Written by Bob Smith
Elections were held for Officers and Board Members:
Officers were: Amador Martinez – President, Armand Escalante/Ron Zenone – Vice President, Gloria Brown – Secretary, Doug Dow – Treasurer.
Board Members were: Dick Gibson, Bob Smith,, Sandy Rankin, Ken Roth and Ron Dawson
Note: Armand Escalante died while in office so Ron Zenone was appointed as Vice Pres. to fill the unexpired term. Ron Dawson was appointed to fill the existing vacancy of director.
Gloria Brown was membership chairperson. We ended the year with 79 members including associate and honorary members.
We said a sad fairwell to two beloved members who died this year. Rosalie Hutton who had been a member since the beginning of the club and Armand Escalante, also a long time member who was very active in the club in many ways.
The Gold Coast League was once again played like last year. Oxnard and MacKenzie Park were the two participating clubs. Games were played alternately at the two clubs for a total of sever play days. The MacKenzie Park LBC won the greater number of points at the end to win the league.
We held our big OPEN HOUSE on May 7th as did most of the other clubs in the South West Division. This is an annual effort to gain new lawn bowling members for the sport. We had a nice turnout of 22 people with 18 signing up on the first day for lessons.
Once again Amador Martinez organized the two SWD Tournaments we sponsor each year. On April 4th we held the Amador Martinez Triples Tournament. We had 16 teams participating, four of which were from Oxnard. Oxnard did not have a winning team in the first six places. On July 10 we held the Ralph and Marie Ecton Memorial Triples Tournament. We had 16 teams participating, three from Oxnard. Oxnard did not place in the first five places.
There were 9 In-Club Tournaments organized by Jordan Austin. Following are the tournaments and the winners.
Feb 5, Men’s Triples Tournament Wuhwa Hsu, Raul Perez, Jerry Heidebrecht
Mar 21, Mixed Pair’s Tournament Gloria Brown, Jim Matlock
April 29, Cutthroat Tournament Armand Escalante
May 20, Men’s Singles Tournament Jordan Austin
June 27, Mixed Triples Tournament Jim Matlock, Gloria Brown, Sal Mollo
Aug 26, Men’s Pairs Tournament Mike Newton, Bob Smith
Sept 21, Vet Novice Pairs Tournament Sandy Rankin, Ron Dawson
Nov 4, Mixed Novice Singles Tournament Peter Westray
Dec 2, Men’s Novice Singles Tournament Mark Wilson
Women’s Novice Singles Tournament CJ Juengst
Dick Gibson did all the organizing for the visitations for the year. Four visitations took place at home and away with Holmby Park LBC and Santa Barbara LBC .
March 5 Oxnard at Holmby Park LBC
June 4 Holmby Park at Oxnard LBC
Sept 19 Santa Barbars at Oxnard LBC
Oct 6 Oxnard at Santa Barbara LBC
Fun Day Events listed by date and those that organized the day.
May 30 Memorial Day Joe and Gloria Brown
July 4 Indedendence Day Joe And Gloria Brown
Oct 31 Halloween Joe and Gloria Brown
The club held it’s annual Christmas Party on December 9th at the Pacific Corinthian Yacht Club in Oxnard. Approximately 50 members, family and guests attended. Our thanks go to Joe and Gloria Brown for making the arrantements with the Yacht Club and planning the party. Amador Martinez, our club President acted as the Master of Ceremonies and was assisted by Joe and Gloria Brown.
Written by Bob Smith
We held our big OPEN HOUSE on May 13th as did most of the other clubs in the South West Division. This is an annual effort to gain new lawn bowling members for the sport. We had a poor turnout of only 10 visitors and only one new member came from the effort. Hopefully we’ll do better next year.
The Gold Coast League was once again played like last year except that each club used three teams instead of four like before. Amador Martinez was the club representative for Oxnard. Oxnard and MacKenzie Park were the two participating clubs. Games were played alternately at the two clubs for a total of five play days. Oxnard LBC won the greater number of points at the end to win the league and went on to compete in the Waterbury tournament.
Amador Martinez and Ron Dawson organized the two SWD Tournaments we sponsor each year. On April 9th we held the Amador Martinez Triples Tournament. We had 16 teams participating. Oxnard took a third and sixth place. On July 9th we held the Ralph and Marie Ecton Memorial Triples Tournament. We had 14 teams participating. Oxnard took a third place.
There were 12 In-Club Tournaments organized by Jordan Austin. Following are the tournaments and the winners.
Feb 1, Mixed Novice Singles Ron Dawson
Feb 27, Vet Novice Pairs Mike Newton and Randy Juengst
Mar 31, Men’s Novice Singles Kent Kirkton
Women’s Novice Singles Sandra Adame
May 15-22 Cutthroat Tourn. Denny Ryan
Jun 16 Men’s Singles Bob Smith
Jul 24-26 Women’s Singles Gloria Brown
Aug 16 Men’s Pairs Steve Goodmanson and Ken Kirkton
Sept 27 Mixed Pairs Sandy Rankin and Peter Westray
Nov 8 Men’s Triples Rich Purcell, Art Roberts, Mike Wright
Peter Westray did all the organizing for the visitations for the year.
Mar 11 Oxnard at Holmby Park
Jun 3 Holmby Park at Oxnard
Fun Day Events listed by date and those that organized the day.
Mar 17 Saint Patricks Day Ron and Joan Dawson
Jun 21 Summer Solstice Ron and Joan Dawson
Aug 21 Solar Eclipse Ron and Joan Dawson
Oct 30 Halloween Joe and Gloria Brown
The club held it’s annual Christmas Party on December 8th at the Pacific Corinthian Yacht Club in Oxnard. Approximately 50 members, family and guests attended. Our thanks go to Joe and Gloria Brown for making the arrantements with the Yacht Club and planning the party.
Note of interest: THOMAS WILDFIRE : The largest wildfire in California history raged through Ventura and Santa Barbara Counties driven by fierce santa anna winds. Fire started on December 4, 2017 and as of January 3, 2018 it was only 92% contained. 1,063 structers were lost and burn area is over 280 thousand acres. This is of special note since two of our club members lost their homes to the fire and some others had partial damage but were able to stay in their homes. Thousands were evacuated from their homes on just minutes notice and had to find somewhere to go for extended periods.
Written by Bob Smith

L-R BACK: GLORIA BROWN, DONNA ROBERTS, DICK GIBSON, RON DAWSON, KATHY CORONA AND BOB SMITH L-R FRONT: ANDY DICONTI, ART ROBERTS AND DEBI WILSON Elections were held for Officers and Board Members: Officers were: Art Roberts - President, Gloria Brown - Vice President, Andy DiConti - Secretary, Kathy Corona - Treasurer. Board Members were: Dick Gibson, Bob Smith, Ron Dawson, Donna Roberts and Debi Wilson.
Donna Roberts was membership chairperson. We ended the year with 86 members including associate and honorary members.
We said a sad fairwell to the following members who died this year. Demo Arevalo, Dave Jones, David Rankin and Pat Zenone.
We didn’t hold our big OPEN HOUSE this year because of a poor turnout last year. Instead the club held mini-open houses on March 10th, April 14th and July 14th as well as a couple others. This seemed to produce good results and probably will be tried again.
August 28, 2018 New Rink markers were installed. The crew was made up of Art and Donna Roberts, Ken Roth, Debi Wilson, Jordan Austin, and Bob Wright. Bob is Debi Wilson’s brother and he made and helped install the markers. The job looks fantastic.
The folowing training activities were conducted for the benefit of the members.
Feb 2, CPR and AED review was presented by Captain Jaime Villa from the Oxnard Fire Department. 20 club members attended.
Feb 9, Skip training was given by Amador Martinez. Due to an influx of new members to the club some of our regulars were moving up and needed some coaching.
Oct 29, Rich Purcell took the class outside for some much needed Vice training. Some of our new members were doing quite well and were anxious to learn more about playing the position of Vice.
The Gold Coast League was once again played like last year using three teams instead of four like before. Raul Perez was the club representative for Oxnard. Oxnard and MacKenzie Park were the two participating clubs. Games were played alternately at the two clubs for a total of five play days. Oxnard LBC won the greater number of points at the end to win the league and went on to compete in the Waterbury tournament however they didn’t place amoung the winning teams.
Ron Dawson organized the two SWD Tournaments we sponsor each year. On April 8th we held the Amador Martinez Triples Tournament. We had 14 teams participating. Oxnard took a 1st place with the team of Rich Purcell, Mike Newton and Raul Perez. On July 8th we held the Ralph and Marie Ecton Memorial Triples Tournament. We had 12 teams participating. Oxnard took a second place with the team of Denny Ryan, Gloria Brown and Jim Matlock.
There were 12 In-Club Tournaments organized by Jordan Austin. Following are the tournaments and the winners.
Jan 19 Women’s Novice Singles Marquita Otineru
Feb 7 Men’s Novice Singles Jack Bucey
Mar 12 Vet / Novice pairs Sandy Rnkin and Bert Weingart
Apr 2 Mixed Novice Singles Debi Wilson
May 9 Cutthroat tournament Rich Purcell
June 25 Men’s Singles Wuhwa Hsu
July 13 Women’s Singles Gloria Brown
Aug 1 Men’s Pairs and Women’ pairs (two tournaments) Men: Wuhwa Hsu and Jack Bucey, Women: Sandy Rankin and Sandra Adame
Aug 24 Mixed Pairs Art and Donna Roberts
Sept 21 and 24 Men’s Triples Denny Ryan, Geoff Simpson and Ken Paddock
Oct 26 Mixed Triples Gloria Brown, Bert Weingart and Herb Smith
Peter Westray did the organizing for the visitations for the year.
Mar 21 Oxnard at Holmby Park
May 19-20 Eight members made tae trip to Cambria LBC
Later in the year eight members traveled to Laguna Beach LBC
Fun Day Events listed by date and those that organized the day.
Feb 16 Chinese New Year (year of the dog) Ron and Joan Dawson
April 16 Spring Fling and Tax Day Ron and Joan Dawson
May 28 Memorial Day and Fun Event Ron and Joan Dawson
July 4 Fourth of July Funm Day Ron and Joan Dawson
Sept 3 Labor Day Fun Event Ron and Joan Dawson
Oct 31 Halloween Fun Day Ron and Joan Dawson
Dec 7 The club held it’s annual Christmas Party on December 7th at the Pacific Corinthian Yacht Club in Oxnard. Approximately 50 members, family and guests attended. Our thanks go to Joe and Gloria Brown for making the arrantements with the Yacht Club and planning the party. Our musical entertainment was provided by Lenny and Susan LaCroix and Bill VonRavensberg. All professional musicians. Lenny and Susan were new members to our lawn bowling club.
HONORARY MEMBER: AMADOR MARTINEZ: On November 14th at the Club General Meeting the club membership voted to accept Amador Martinez as our newest Honorary Member. This recognition was well deserved and long overdue.
Written by Bob Smith

L-R Back: Susan and Ken Paddock, Donna Roberts and Jack Bucey L-R Front: Debi Wilson, Gloria Brown, Kathy Corona, Art Roberts and Andy DiConti Elections were held for Officers and Board Members: Officers were: Art Roberts - President, Gloria Brown - Vice President, Andy DiConti - Secretary, Kathy Corona - Treasurer. Board Members were: Donna Roberts, Jack Bucey, Susan and Ken Paddock and Debi Wilson.
Donna Roberts was membership chairperson. We ended the year with 77 members including associate and honorary members.
We said a sad fairwell to the following past members who died this year. Sybil Ziv and Sharon Gibson.
OPEN HOUSE: We held our Club Open House on June 2nd. We only had 5 visitors. The weather was cloudy with a little drizzle which probably accounts for the poor showing.
TRAINING: On July 1st Rich Purcell held a vice training session which wAs held outside. 25 members attended.
GOLD COAST LEAGUE: The Gold Coast League was played using four teams like before. Art Roberts was the club representative for Oxnard. Oxnard and MacKenzie Park were the two participating clubs. Games were played alternately at the two clubs for a total of 8 play days from February thru June. MAcKenzie Park LBC won the league with a score of 69 to 51 points.
Art Roberts organized the two SWD Tournaments we sponsor each year. On April 14th we held the Amador Martinez Triples Tournament. We had 12 teams participating. Oxnard took a 3rd place with the team of Jack Bucey, Denny Ryan and Gloria Brown. On August 31st we held the Ralph and Marie Ecton Memorial Triples Tournament. We had 14 teams participating. 3rd Place was won by Team Roberts, Art, Linda and Scott Roberts.
There were 11 In-Club Tournaments organized by Jordan Austin with assistance from Jack Bucey. Following are the tournaments and the winners.
Jan 25, Women’s Novice Singles Debi Wilson
Feb 22, Men’s Novice Singles Jack Bucey
Mar 11, Vet/Novice Pairs Peter Westray and Jack Bucey
Apr 3, Mixed Novice Singles Jack Bucey
May 15, Men’s Triples Jack Bucey, Jordan Austin and Peter Nicholas
Jun 12, Mixed Triples Art Roberts, Linda Lockhart, Jerry Beatty
Jul 17-24 Cutthroat tournament Luke Wilson
Aug 2, Men’s Singles Denny Ryan
Sep 11, Men’s and Women’s Pairs Men: Steve Goodmanson and Jerry Porath, Women: Linda Westray and Gloria Brown
Nov 4, Mixed Pairs Bob Livermont and Donna Roberts
Peter and Linda Westray did the organizing for the visitations for the year.
April 20, Oxnard at Holmby Park.
June 1, Holmby Park at Oxnard. Holmby Park brought 22 members and games were played before and after lunch.
Fun Day Events listed by date and those that organized the day.
Mar 15. St Patricks Day fun event. Gloria Brown, Donna Roberts did the food with help from Pinky Palladino. Jack Bucey ranthe games.
Jul 3, 4th of July Fun Day. 38 members came out tro play. Gloria Brown and Donna Roberts planned the day.
Nov 1, Halloween. Hosts were Kathy Corona and Pete and Linda Westray. 25 all came out in costume.
Dec 6 The club held it’s annual Christmas Party on December 6th at the Pacific Corinthian Yacht Club in Oxnard. Approximately 49 members, family and guests attended. Our thanks go to Joe and Gloria Brown for making the arrantements with the Yacht Club and planning the party. Our musical ente

L-R Back: Herb Smith, Bert Weingart, Dee Press, Kent Kirkton, Ken Roth L-R Front: Gloria Brown, Jack Bucey, Kathy Corona, Linda Lockhart
Donna Roberts was membership chairperson. We ended the year with 77 members including associate and honorary members.
We said a sad fairwell to the following past members who died this year. Sybil Ziv and Sharon Gibson.
OPEN HOUSE: We held our Club Open House on June 2nd. We only had 5 visitors. The weather was cloudy with a little drizzle which probably accounts for the poor showing.
TRAINING: On July 1st Rich Purcell held a vice training session which wAs held outside. 25 members attended.
GOLD COAST LEAGUE: The Gold Coast League was played using four teams like before. Art Roberts was the club representative for Oxnard. Oxnard and MacKenzie Park were the two participating clubs. Games were played alternately at the two clubs for a total of 8 play days from February thru June. MAcKenzie Park LBC won the league with a score of 69 to 51 points.
Art Roberts organized the two SWD Tournaments we sponsor each year. On April 14th we held the Amador Martinez Triples Tournament. We had 12 teams participating. Oxnard took a 3rd place with the team of Jack Bucey, Denny Ryan and Gloria Brown. On August 31st we held the Ralph and Marie Ecton Memorial Triples Tournament. We had 14 teams participating. 3rd Place was won by Team Roberts, Art, Linda and Scott Roberts.
There were 11 In-Club Tournaments organized by Jordan Austin with assistance from Jack Bucey. Following are the tournaments and the winners.
Jan 25, Women’s Novice Singles Debi Wilson
Feb 22, Men’s Novice Singles Jack Bucey
Mar 11, Vet/Novice Pairs Peter Westray and Jack Bucey
Apr 3, Mixed Novice Singles Jack Bucey
May 15, Men’s Triples Jack Bucey, Jordan Austin and Peter Nicholas
Jun 12, Mixed Triples Art Roberts, Linda Lockhart, Jerry Beatty
Jul 17-24 Cutthroat tournament Luke Wilson
Aug 2, Men’s Singles Denny Ryan
Sep 11, Men’s and Women’s Pairs Men: Steve Goodmanson and Jerry Porath, Women: Linda Westray and Gloria Brown
Nov 4, Mixed Pairs Bob Livermont and Donna Roberts
Peter and Linda Westray did the organizing for the visitations for the year.
April 20, Oxnard at Holmby Park.
June 1, Holmby Park at Oxnard. Holmby Park brought 22 members and games were played before and after lunch.
Fun Day Events listed by date and those that organized the day.
Mar 15. St Patricks Day fun event. Gloria Brown, Donna Roberts did the food with help from Pinky Palladino. Jack Bucey ranthe games.
Jul 3, 4th of July Fun Day. 38 members came out tro play. Gloria Brown and Donna Roberts planned the day.
Nov 1, Halloween. Hosts were Kathy Corona and Pete and Linda Westray. 25 all came out in costume.
Dec 6 The club held it’s annual Christmas Party on December 6th at the Pacific Corinthian Yacht Club in Oxnard. Approximately 49 members, family and guests attended. Our thanks go to Joe and Gloria Brown for making the arrantements with the Yacht Club and planning the party. Our musical ente

L-R Back: Herb Smith, Bert Weingart, Dee Press, Kent Kirkton, Ken Roth L-R Front: Gloria Brown, Jack Bucey, Kathy Corona, Linda Lockhart
Elections were held for Officers and Board Members:
Officers were: Jack Bucey- President, Gloria Brown - Vice President, Linda Lockhart, - Secretary, Kathy Corona - Treasurer.
Board Members were: Herb Smith, Bert Weingart, Dee Press, Kent Kirkton, Ken Roth
Donna Roberts was membership chairperson. We ended the year with 70 members including associate and honorary members.
We said a sad fairwell to the following members who died this year. Joe Brown and Honorary Member Jess Sportelli. (3-6-2019)
Covid 19 Pandemic struck hard early in the year and changed our sport greatly.
South West Division and BowlsUSA cancelled scheduled tournaments.
On March 20th the club was ordered by the City of Oxnard to stay off the green until further notice. Jack Bucey (our club president) worked with Renee Rakestraw, Community Services Manager from the City of Oxnard in developing a plan to re-open our lawn bowling club in a safe manner considering that the corona virus is still active and with us. Jack submitted a plan that was largely taken from a document from SWD that spelled
out guidelines to be taken.
March 30th the club opens with restrictions.
June 13, Art Roberts, our greens keeper coordinated with the City of Oxnard and the Sterling Hills Golf Course from Camarillo for sand delivery, borrowing two aerators and one sand spreader and a couple of men to operate the equipment. A call went out to our club members for volunteers to help with all the work. In additiion to all the green work all our planters were cleaned up and the front parking lot was cleaned and the spaces were re-stripped with fresh paint.
October 28, The order came down that all members at the club must wear face masks. This had not been required when the club re-opened back on March 30th.
The Corona Virus severly impacted the regularly scheduled activities of the club in 2020. Visitations and Fun Days were cancelled. Our 1st Gold Coast Tournament was played on March 7th but all meeting after thAt were cancelled.
March 1, The Amador Martinez Triples Tournament was played at our club. All other tournaments after this time where other clubs would participate were cancelled for the remainder of the year due to the threat of the spread of the virus.
In-Club Tournaments, Jordan Austin our In-Club Tournament chairman did a great job keeping our home tournaments going under present conditions.
Jan 31, Men’s Novice Singles 1st Place: Jerry Beatty
Feb 19, Vet/Novice Pairs 1st Place: Peter Westray and Gary Davidson
Aug 12, Cutthroat Tournament 1st Place: Jack Bucey
Aug 26, Men’s Singles 1st Place: Steve Goodmanson
Sept 23, Mixed Pairs 1st Place: Art Roberts and Gloria Brown
Oct 20 &30 Mixed Triples 1st Place: Donna Roberts, Mike Newton and Ken Paddock
Dec 4, Men’s Pairs 1st Place: Mike Newton and Lenny LaCroix
Honorary Member: Conrad Bilodeau has been chosen as our newest Honorary Member .
Written by Bob Smith
Elections were held for Officers and Board Members:
Officers were: Jack Bucey- President, Gloria Brown - Vice President, Linda Lockhart, - Secretary, Kathy Corona - Treasurer.
Board Members were: Herb Smith, Bert Weingart, Dee Press, Kent Kirkton, Ken Roth
Donna Roberts and later replaced by Dee Press were membership chairpersons. We ended the year with 59 members including associate and honorary members. The drop in membership was primarly due to restrictions placed on the club due to covid 19.
We said a sad fairwell to the following active and past members who died this year. Virgil Lockhart, Jordan Austan and Emiko Jackson.
Covid 19 Pandemic continued and changed our sport greatly.
The Gold Coast League activities and Club Visitations were cancelled.
The In-Club Tournaments were held. Due to Jordan Austin's illness Jack Bucey took over the tournaments and followed the schedule laid out by Jordin. The following is a list of those tournament and the winners.
May 5, Men’s Triples Tournament Jack Bucey, Mike newton, Brian Fenton
Jun 18, Mixed Triples Tournament Mike Newton, Gloria Brown, Bob Fleur
July 16-23 Cutthroat Tournament Steve Goodmanson
Aug 6, Men’s Singles Tournament Rich Purcell
Aug 27, Aussie Pairs Tournament Mike Newton and Gloria Brown
Sept 24, Mixed Pairs Tournament Gloria Brown and Pete Westray
Nov 12, Men’s Pairs Tournament BrianFenton and Bob Livermont
Fun Days
July 2, Independence Day event. 35 members participated. Art and Donna Roberts planned and organized the day while Gloria Brown handled the decorations. The food was taken care of by several of the club ladies.
The Ralph and Marie Ecton Memorial Triples Tournament was held on October 23rd. 12 teams from Southern California participated. Art Roberts was the tournament chairman. Prizes were awarded to the top four teams, none of which were from Oxnard.
Club Christmas Party
Dec 14, Under stormy skies the party was held at the Sterling Hills Golf Club Banquet Hall in Camarillo. 57 members and guests attended. The entertainment was provided by the Lenny LaCroix Band with the outstanding voice of Susan LaCroix.